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There is a lot of demand for local fun events that are suitable for young adults and delivered without the risks of alcohol consumption. 

Some reasons for making your event alcohol-free:

  • It’s easier to organise – no need for a special alcohol licence.
  • It’ll be easier to manage and control – less chance of things going wrong.
  • Your event will be healthier on many levels.
  • There’s no pressure on those who don’t want to drink.
  • Age restrictions aren’t needed – no one is drinking alcohol.
  • There’s a positive buzz to creating a great alcohol-free atmosphere.
  • The focus is on having fun rather than how much alcohol to drink.
  • There’s no drunkenness to deal with.

The Good Vibes Guide

To find out more about running successful alcohol-free events, check out the Good Vibes Guide.

Good Vibes – alcohol-free events guide (print friendly PDF, 918KB)

Good Vibes was developed by ZEAL (a New Zealand not-for-profit youth organisation) and Te Hiringa Hauora/Health Promotion Agency. It provides useful ideas for organising a successful alcohol-free event for young people, such as school balls, music or sports events, and family gatherings.

It is not a comprehensive guide to event management but it does touch on:

  • why it’s important to have alcohol-free events
  • the many benefits of having an event without alcohol
  • how to make your alcohol-free event awesome and one that young people will not want to miss
  • what to think about when planning, promoting and delivering the event.

Also check out ZEAL's Good Vibes videos that have more information and insights about alcohol-free event management. These can be found on ZEAL's website.